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200258 |
Hydrothermal pretreatment of oxytetracycline fermentation residue: Removal of oxytetracycline and increasing the potential for anaerobic digestion
Mohammed Awad, Zhe Tian, Yu Zhang, Min Yang, Wenjuan Yin, Liping Dong
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200258 Published online July 28, 2020
200227 |
Effect of zero-valent iron nanoparticles on the phytoextraction ability of Kochia scoparia and its response in Pb contaminated soil
Ali Daryabeigi Zand, Alireza Mikaeili Tabrizi
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200227 Published online July 31, 2020
200242 |
Dye separation using a semi-batch foaming process: Process optimization using Taguchi methodology and Grey relational analysis
Tarun Kumar Bharadwaj, Kaushal Naresh Gupta
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200242 Published online August 5, 2020
200225 |
Predicting ecosystem shift in a Salt Lake by using remote sensing indicators and spatial statistics methods (case study: Lake Urmia basin)
Nadia Abbasszadeh Tehrani, Milad Janalipour
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200225 Published online August 9, 2020
200121 |
Optimization of bio-succinic fermentation process from crude glycerol by Actinobacillus succinogenes
Suwimon Kanchanasuta, Verawat Champreda, Nipon Pisutpaisal, Chatchawal Singhakant
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200121 Published online August 12, 2020
200349 |
A pilot-scale test on the treatment of biological pretreated leachate by the synergy of ozonation-biological treatment-catalytic ozonation
Yuanmei Chen, Yutang Xiao, Guanping Wang, Wei Shi, Linquan Sun, Yanfang Chen, Aichun Miao
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200349 Published online August 19, 2020
200177 |
Long-term relationship between air and water temperatures in Lake Paldang, South Korea
Soon Ju Yu, In Gu Ryu, Min Ji Park, Jong Kwon Im
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200177 Published online August 24, 2020
200256 |
Leaching characteristics and curing mechanism of magnesium phosphate cement solidified zinc-contaminated soil in an acid rain environment
Zhe Wang, Hangjun Zhu, Xuehui Wu, Binpin Wei, Hongli Zhou, Sifa Xu
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200256 Published online August 27, 2020
200235 |
Biodegradation of omethoate by Bacillus sp. YB-10: optimization of culture conditions and degradation characteristics
Riqiang Li, Jianxing Wang, Songhui Li
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200235 Published online August 28, 2020
200241 |
Removal of fluoride from an aqueous solution by batch and column process using activated carbon derived from iron infused Pisum sativum peel: characterization, Isotherm, kinetics study
Naincy Sahu, Chandra Bhan, Jiwan Singh
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200241 Published online August 31, 2020
200386 |
The methodological approach to environmental risk assessment from man-made emergencies at chemically hazardous sites
Pavel V. Yemelin, Sergey S. Kudryavtsev, Natalya K. Yemelina
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200386 Published online September 1, 2020
200402 |
Multi-linear regression model for chlorine consumption by waters
Guocheng Zhu, Shanshan Zhang, Yongning Bian, Andrew S Hursthouse
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200402 Published online September 2, 2020
200216 |
Fabrication of hierarchical Bentonite/Chitosan/NiFe2O4 ternary nanocomposite and its efficiency in the removal of Pb(II) from aqueous medium
Debasish Guha Thakurata, Arijita Paul, Krishna Chandra Das, Siddhartha Sankar Dhar
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200216 Published online September 4, 2020
200039 |
A study on novel coupled membrane bioreactor with electro oxidation for biofouling reduction
Kamalakannan Vasanthapalaniappan, Kavitha Palani, Shanmuga Sundar Saravanabhavan, Narendranath Jonna, Maharaja Pounsamy, Kannan Natarajan, Yun Suk Huh, Balasubramanian Natesan
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200039 Published online September 5, 2020
200190 |
Leaching losses of main nutrients by incorporating organic fertilisers into light texture soils Haplic Luvisol
Auksė Burakova, Eugenija Bakšiene
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200190 Published online September 7, 2020
200299 |
Potential of Carica papaya peels as effective biocatalyst in the optimized parametric transesterification of used vegetable oil
A.O. Etim, Andrew C. Eloka-Eboka, P. Musonge
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200299 Published online September 8, 2020
200254 |
The performance of wastewater treatment by two-species immobilized lignin-degrading mycelial pellet GX-1310
Gaijuan GUO, Wei GUO, Xia DU, Qie FENG, Jinda LI, Hong YAN
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200254 Published online September 9, 2020
200250 |
Conversion of coconut waste into cost effective adsorbent for Cu(II) and Ni(II) removal from aqueous solutions
Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahim, Iswarya , Khairiraihanna Johari, Nasir Shehzad, Norasikin Saman, Hanapi Mat
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200250 Published online September 10, 2020
200324 |
Antibiotic resistance fate in the full-scale drinking water and municipal wastewater treatment processes: A review
Rui Gao, Minghao Sui
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200324 Published online September 11, 2020
200187 |
Removal of biological organics in high-salinity wastewater produced from methylcellulose production and subsequent changes in the microbial community
GueSoo Jo, SeongWan Hong, HyunGu Kim, Zhuliping , DaeHee Ahn
Environmental Engineering Research 2021;26(4):200187 Published online September 12, 2020