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Articles In Press
Accepted manuscript are copy edited and formatted articles that are not yet finalized and that will be corrected by the authors. Therefore the text could change before final publication.
Effect of morphology on the catalytic oxidation of dichloromethane over CeO2 catalysts
Jiaqing Miao, Lei Qian, Chang Wu, Erhao Gao, Wei Wang, Jiali Zhu, Shuiliang Yao, Jing Li, Zhuliang Wu
Published online February 1, 2025    Accepted Manuscript
doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2024.622
Electrochemical technologies and phytoremediation: Strategies for antibiotic waste removal, electricity generation, and water quality improvement
Ingrid Maldonado, Yoselin Mamani Ramos, Franz Zirena Vilca
Published online January 31, 2025    Accepted Manuscript
doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2024.677
Deep learning-based prediction of exceeding the criteria for river chlorophyll a concentrations using high-frequency data from a sensor network
Gunhyeong Lee, Jihoon Shin, Young Woo Kim, Eun Jin Han, Chung Seok Yu, Taeho Kim, YoonKyung Cha
Published online January 26, 2025    Accepted Manuscript
doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2024.302
Correlation between water quality parameters and microbial populations at full-scale enhanced phosphorus removal wastewater treatment plants in South Korea
Eun Mi Jo, Su Jin Lee, Soon Hyun Jung, In Ju Yoon, Tae Bun Kim, Siyul Byeon, Gui Rok Kwon, Bolam Kim, Dae Sung Lee
Published online January 25, 2025    Accepted Manuscript
doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2024.357
Optimization of redox-mediated electrodialysis systems for efficient water softening: Enhanced removal of calcium and magnesium ions
Junghun Lee, Mingyu Park, Sung Pil Hong, Ki‑Myeong Lee, Changha Lee
Published online January 24, 2025    Accepted Manuscript
doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2024.692
Piezo-activation of peroxydisulfate by BaTiO3 for metronidazole removal in water
Jun He, Zhiwei Yang, Dongcai He, Xianchun Chen, Jing Zhang
Published online January 22, 2025    Accepted Manuscript
doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2024.538
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