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Environmental Engineering Research 1996;1(2): 89-98.
The Impacts of Dry Deposition on the Environment of Hoidong Reservoir
Jang-Pyo Cheong, Hyun-Moo Shin, Sang-Heon Kim, and Sang-Kwun Lee
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyungsung University
2Department of Environmental Science, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Corresponding Author: Jang-Pyo Cheong ,
Received: July 6, 1996;  Accepted: September 9, 1996.
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The dry deposition flux and the ambient concentrations were simultaneously measured at Oryun-dong site in Pusan from December, 1995 to April, 1996 to evaluate the impacts of atmospheric deposition to water quality and soil contamination. The value measured was about two folds higher than in Chicago, U.S.A. The fluxes of elements from anthropogenic sources, such as Cd, V, Pb, Zn, efc, were on the average 1-4 orders of magnitude lower than those of crustal elements such as Fe and Mg. The estimated mass of deposited elements based on catchment area were in the range of 76 g/day (Cd) to 768,123 g/day (Mg) and the reaching time to water quality standards were 2,435 days for Cd, 205 days for Pb, 515 days for Cr. These values demonstrated that zero concentration of pollutant in the water could be reached to standards after less than a year in case of Pb. From the result of "enrichment factor" analysis of soils, it was concluded that Pb and Zn in soils were significantly contributed by atmospheric deposition.
Keywords: Dry deposition | Hoidong reservoir | Deposition flux | Dry deposition plate | Enriclinient factor
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