Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(2): 119-126.
Comparison of Two Non-Point Source Models (AGNPS and SWRRB)
in Urban Coastal Watershed
Kyoung-Sik Choi†, and Seok-Soon Park |
Dept of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University, 11-1 Daehyon, Seodaemun, Seoul 120-750, Korea |
Corresponding Author:
Kyoung-Sik Choi , |
Received: February 13, 1997; Accepted: April 13, 1997. |
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The pollutants from point source are easily controlled but quantification of non-point source runoff is difficult because of its diffuse nature. Mathematical models are effective tool to estimate non-point source loads and to predict the function attribute of a real system. Choosing an appropriate non-point source runoff model is a vital consideration in order to perform the quantitative analysis of pollution load The objective of this study was to evaluate the strength and weaknesses of a single storm event based on non-point source model (AGNPS) and a continuous time scale of non-point source model (SWRRB) in the coastal watersheds with significant urban landuse. Hydrology is based on the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) unit hydrograph for AGNPS and CREAMS model for SWRRB. AGNPS is a grid based model while SWRRB is a raster based model. Both models require detailed spatial data for watershed characteristics and land use/land cover. Spatial data required by the models would be obtained from a geographic information system (GIS) database using ARC/INFO program. |
non-point source | model | Hydrologic components | GIS |