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Environmental Engineering Research 2012;17(2): 83-88. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2012.17.2.083
The Effect of Micro-Pore Configuration on the Flow and Thermal Fields of Supercritical CO2
Hang Seok Choi1, Hoon Chae Park2, and Yeon Seok Choi2
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Wonju 220-710, Korea
2Environmental and Energy Systems Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon 305-343, Korea
Corresponding Author: Hang Seok Choi ,Tel: +82-33-760-2485, Fax: +82-33-760-2571, Email: hs.choi@yonsei.ac.kr
Received: January 12, 2012;  Accepted: May 17, 2012.
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Currently, the technology of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) has become the main issue for climate change and global warming. Among CCS technologies, the prediction of CO2 behavior underground is very critical for CO2 storage design, especially for its safety. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to model and simulate CO2 flow and its heat transfer characteristics in a storage site, for more accurate evaluation of the safety for CO2 storage process. In the present study, as part of the storage design, a micro pore-scale model was developed to mimic real porous structure, and computational fluid dynamics was applied to calculate the CO2 flow and thermal fields in the micro pore-scale porous structure. Three different configurations of 3-dimensional (3D) micro-pore structures were developed, and compared. In particular, the technique of assigning random pore size in 3D porous media was considered. For the computation, physical conditions such as temperature and pressure were set up, equivalent to the underground condition at which the CO2 fluid was injected. From the results, the characteristics of the flow and thermal fields of CO2 were scrutinized, and the influence of the configuration of the micro-pore structure on the flow and scalar transport was investigated.
Keywords: Carbon dioxide capture and storage | Computational fluid dynamics | Micro porous structure | Supercritical CO2
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