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EndNote citation style file is now available
NameErwin ParkDate2024-04-11
Dear Authors,


The Editorial Office hereby​ announces the availability of the EndNote citation style file for EER.

The file is intended to facilitate the accurate formatting of bibliographies in your manuscripts, aligning with the EER's stylistic and formatting requirements.

We strongly encourage you to utilise this resource to ensure that your citations and bibliography are correctly formatted.


It is imperative, however, to ensure that the citation style and bibliography format meet the EER standards prior to submission.

Please manually check every reference in the bibliography whether it is corrected formatted.

For comprehensive guidelines on citation and bibliography standards, please refer to the below.

Adherence to these guidelines is essential for a smooth editorial process and the timely publication of your valuable research.


Reference citing guidelines:

References must be numbered consecutively in the order of first appearance in the text and should be given in a separate double-spaced list. Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. Some examples:

- Negotiation research spans many disciplines [1].

- This result was later contradicted by Cho [2], Kim and Lee [3], and Choi et al. [4].

- This effect has been widely studied [1, 3-6].


-To put 2 or non-consecutive numbers simultaneously, use a comma and place a space after a comma.

 e.g.  [8,9] ->  [8, 9]

-To put 3 or more consecutive numbers simultaneously, use a hyphen between start and end numbers.

 e.g. [2,3,4] -> [2-4]


When citing a reference, it should not be "Mirzajani et al. (2017)" but "Mirzajani et al." without the publication year. The citation should be done by putting the reference number in a pair of square brackets.

Only the surname of the author (or surname of the first author + et al. if there are more than 2 authors) should be used with the correct reference number in a pair of square brackets.

All of the references should be listed in the text with square brackets, in numerical order.

(e.g. ...directly to the economic growth of any country [1]. Currently, the major anthropogenic source is textile industries. In textile industries, the main environmental concern is colored water, which originated from the dyeing process [2, 3].)


Citing references in the Supplementary Materials:

The supplementary materials document is a separate article from the manuscript, which needs an independent bibliography and corresponding numbering in the document.

The reference citation style should follow that of the main manuscript.


Bibliography guidelines:

-To put author's name; Last name + initial of the first name. e.g., Lee BC, Doe J.

-List all authors if there are six or fewer authors. 

-List the first three authors followed by "et al." if there are more than six authors.

-Please disregard comma(,)s or full stop(.)s between authors' names and initials. 

-Use only a comma between authors. (not "and"s)

-Abbreviate the name of journals and italicise them. Abbreviations are based on the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Make sure the journal titles are abbreviated with full stops at the end of each abbreviated word.

-After journal names, publication year, volume, start and end pages information should be written in the correct format.

-NO space between YEAR;Volume:Start-End PAGE.

*The bibliography should only include works that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text.​


Please follow the reference format listed below:


Journal article

e.g. Cox S, Little J, Hodgson A. Predicting the emission rates of volatile compounds from vinyl flooring. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2002;36:709-714. https://doi.org/10.1021/es010802+.



e.g. Paul EA. Soil microbiology and biochemistry. 3rd ed. Oxford: Academic Press; 2007. p. 130-131.


Conference paper

e.g. Gernaey KV, Nielsen MK, Thornberg D et al. First principle suspended solids distribution modeling to support ATS introduction on a recirculating WWTP. In: 2nd International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring; 19-20 April 2004; Vienna. p. 135-138.



e.g. Monthon T. Ultra low pressure nanofiltration of river water for drinking water treatment [dissertation]. Tokyo: Univ. of Tokyo; 2002.



e.g. EPA Victoria. Reusing and recycling water [Internet]. Carlton: EPA Victoria; c2009 [cited 20 November 2009]. Available from: http://www.epa.vic.gov.au/water/reuse/default.asp.

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