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Environ Eng Res > Volume 18(4); 2013 > Article
Seo: Environmental Engineering Research in December 2013
This issue includes 10 papers selected from various fields of environmental engineering including wastewater treatment, air pollution and soil pollution. Alami [1] reviewed the use of rare-earth manganites as catalysts for environmentally essential reactions and suggested that cerium manganite is the most practicable catalyst for technological purposes. Park and Choi [2] wrote about a risk assessment of environmental media such as soil, groundwater, and crops for people in the area of the abandoned Nokdong metal mine. Kim et al. [3] developed a dust collection system equipped with activated carbon coated electrode that appears to be a promising substitute for existing dust-control devices. Choi and Lee [4] evaluated that Chlorella vulgaris can be successfully used to remove ammonia-nitrogen from waste-water. Lee et al. [5] suggested the soil ecological protective concentration of cadmium in Korea using Korean ecological risk assessment methodology. Shirzad-Siboni et al. [6] experimentally showed that the activated red mud obtained from a bauxite mill can be used to treat phenol efficiently with low cost. Lee et al. [7] suggested refined exposure assessment for active ingredients of humidifier disinfectants. Shin and Nishimu [8] evaluated utilization of food sources of Nuttallia olivacea at Gamo Lagoon, Japan before and after the 2011 tsunami. Kim et al. [9] demonstrated that their new synthetic iron-loaded zeolites can be applied as a heterogeneous nutrient-removal materials with no sludge production. Eaktasang et al. [10] reported that a dual-chamber microbial fuel cell inoculated with Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and supplemented with lactate enhanced the current production in the microbial fuel cell as a result of effective attachment of cells, as well as electron transfer among the cell network to the electrode.
In the past few months, on-line system of Environmental Engineering Research (EER) has experienced tremendous changes. The EER has launched a completely new home page with a new domain name, eeer.org. The new homepage is equipped with many international level functions. All papers of EER will be edited using full XML that meets international publishing standard and thus articles in EER can be found more efficiently by other international journal in the world. In the new home page, readers can find much easier access to our journal system and thus papers in EER will have much more chances to be linked with international journal. The EER also completely renewed on line submission system. This new on-line system will include many internationally required features, such as CrossCheck to check duplicate submission, CrossMark to check the status of paper, Fundref to include information of fund provider and ORCID to identify writers. The new homepage will use PubReader so that users can read and use EER using mobile devices, such as smart phones.
EER has been listed in many international academic database systems including SCOPUS. I believe EER will also be listed in Science Citation Index/Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI/SCIE) in the near future. As I always have been, I cordially want to ask all members help us to improve quality and reputation of EER via assisting the following area
  • - Please consider to cite papers in the EER as often as possible when you write papers.

  • - Please submit your valuable academic papers to the EER

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This is the last issue in 2013 and I feel indebted to all members of EER and editorial team for everything. I hope my effort has contributed to make EER better than before and also its way to be listed in SCI/SCIE. I wish all the best to my friends in EER and I hope everyone will have a happy new year.


1. Alami D. Environmental applications of rare-earth manganites as catalysts: a comparative study. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:211–219.

2. Park JH, Choi KK. Risk assessment for farmers in the vicinity of abandoned Nokdong mine in South Korea. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:221–227.

3. Kim KS, Park JO, Lee JH, Jun TH, Kim I. Simultaneous removal of gas and dust by activated carbon coated electrode. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:229–234.

4. Choi HJ, Lee SM. Performance of Chlorella vulgaris for the removal of ammonia-nitrogen from wastewater. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:235–239.

5. Lee WM, Nam SH, An YJ. Deriving ecological protective concentration of cadmium for Korean soil environment. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:241–246.

6. Shirzad-Siboni M, Jafari SJ, Farrokhi M, Yang JK. Removal of phenol from aqueous solutions by activated red mud: equilibrium and kinetics studies. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:247–252.

7. Lee JH, Kang HJ, Seol HS, et al. Refined exposure assessment for three active ingredients of humidifier disinfectants. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:253–257.

8. Shin WS, Nishimu O. Utilization of food sources before and after the tsunami in Nuttallia olivacea at Gamo Lagoon, Japan. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:259–265.

9. Kim KS, Park JO, Nam SC. Synthesis of iron-loaded zeolites for removal of ammonium and phosphate from aqueous solutions. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:267–276.

10. Eaktasang N, Kang CS, Ryu SJ, Suma Y, Kim HS. Enhanced current production by electroactive biofilm of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the microbial fuel cell. Environ. Eng. Res. 2013;18:277–281.

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