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Environmental Engineering Research 1996;1(1): 31-36.
Advanced Treatment of Dyeing Industrial Complex Wastewater by a Combination of Biological Treatment and Ultrafiltration
Yung Kyu Park, ChulHee Lee, and Chung-Hwan Kim
Department of Environmental Engineering, Yeungnam University Kyungsan, 712-749, Korea
Corresponding Author: Yung Kyu Park ,
Received: February 23, 1996;  Accepted: March 9, 1996.
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The long term test by the OAS-Coa.-UF (Oxygen Activated Sludge-Coagulation-Ultrafiltra-tion) and the FBAS-Coa.-UF (Fluidized Bed Activated Sludge-Coagulation-Ultrafiltration) process was con¬ducted in order to obtain reusable water from dyeing industrial complex wastewater. The average effluent qualities of tested process are as follows : CODMn 183 mg/C and color degree 628 by the OAS process at sludge loading rate of 0.16 kgCODMn/kgMLVSS-day ; CODMn 75 mg/£ and color degree 459 by the OAS-Coa. process with alum 600 ing/0 ; CODMn 192 mg/4 and color degree 646 by the FBAS process at the loading 0.17 kgCODMn/kgMLVSS-day ; CODMn 70 v%/e and color degree 463 by the FBAS-Coa. with alum 600 mg/£. Also, the average water qualities treated by the OAS-Coa. -UF and the FBAS-Coa.-UF process were CODMn 20, 18 mg/£, and, color degree 48, 51, respectively. Based on these results, the water qualities of permeate by the OAS-Coa.-UF and the FBAS-Coa.-UF process did not show any considerable differences. However, this kind of permeate could be applied to a toilet, a lawn sprinkler and so on for the reuse of wastewater.
Keywords: Dyeing Industrial Complex Wastewater | Oxygen Activated Sludge | Fluidized Bed Activated Sludge | Ultrafiltration | Reuse
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