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Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(4): 269-277.
The Relationship Between Hydrologic and Water Quality Response System
Sang Hyun Kim
Department of Environmental Engineering, Pusan National University
Corresponding Author: Sang Hyun Kim ,
Received: July 14, 1997;  Accepted: August 15, 1997.
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The causality between hydrologic system and water quality response system is investigated using the time series analysis. The time series of stage at the outlet of a subwatershed and the time series of the average saturation deficit of a subwatershed were used as input to perform the causality analysis. Sequential water quality data were collected and used to find the stochastic structure between hydrologic variables and water quality responses. A systematic procedure for the causality test between two time series is presented and used to investigate the relationship of two system. The results of analysis show the stochastic structure of a causal relationship between hydrologic and water quality systems.
Keywords: hydrology | water quality | causality | time series analysis | prewhitening
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