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Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(4): 225-231.
The Application of Recycled Plastics filled with Sludge Ash as Construction Materials
Hwan-Gi Kim, Cheong-Jo Cheong, and Jong-Guk Kim
Department of Civil Engineering, Chonbuk National University
Corresponding Author: Hwan-Gi Kim ,
Received: May 20, 1997;  Accepted: October 21, 1997.
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With the potential of sludge ash as an inorganic filler for recycled plastics, it is possible to use the ash-LDPE pellet mixture for various construction materials as a substitute for concrete. Various experiments have been undertaken to determine the possibility of producing construction materials in accordance with the content ratios of sludge ash mixed with recycled LOPE pellets. From the results of these tests, the major findings of the present study can be summarized as follows : Because the MFI value gradually decreased with increasing ash content, the plasticity of the experimental materials will deteriorate. Therefore, the rnixture of the recycled LDPE pellets is suitable to be used for manufactured goods with simple and uniform structure. Based on the melting and crystallization temperatures, the ash-LDPE pellet mixture can resist deformation due to variation in temperatures in Korea. The absorption ratio and specific gravity of the specimens increased with increasing ash content In the case of specimens with 20 and 30% ash, the fracture surfaces become tighter and more complicated. The very high strength of the specimen with 30% ash is correlated with its structure The improvement in the strength of the specimens is remarkable based on the standard design strength of concrete aged 28 days. The specimens which were filled with 30% sludge ash appear to have the highest strength. The ash-LDPE pellet rnixture is suitable to be used for the manufacture of construction materials having simple and uniform structure, such as interlocking block, street gully (street inlet), boundary block, sewer, drain pipe, panel board, enclosure wall and others.
Keywords: Recycled LDPE Pellets | Sludge Ash | Construction Material | Melt Flow Index | Recycling
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