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Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(3): 173-179.
Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Using Porous Ceramic Supports
Sang Yun Jo, Jae Won Oh, Jae Hyun Jung, Keun Heon Lee, and Kam Yong Jang
Ssangyong Research Center, Ssangyong Cement Industrial Co., Ltd P.O. Box 12, Yuseong, Daejeon, 305-345, Korea
Corresponding Author: Sang Yun Jo ,
Received: July 22, 1996;  Accepted: April 22, 1997.
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The anaerobic digestions, using porous ceramic supports, of dairy and carrot juice wastewaters were investigated. The ceramic supports were prepared and used for microorganism-immobilizing supports. The dairy and the carrot juice wastewaters continuously flowed into the lower part of the bioreactor, in which the porous ceramic supports were packed. The influent COD concentration and the HRT were 800—5000 mg/ / and ll>~48hrs, respectively. The COD removal rates were above 90% for both types of wastewaters. Furthermore, the acclimation time needed was shorter for the bioreactor with packed supports. From these results, it was convinced that the ceramic supports could be applied to the treatment of highly concentrated wastewater.
Keywords: Anaerobic digestion | Ceramic supports | Acclimation time | Highly-concentrated wastewater | Bioreactor
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