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Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(1): 41-49.
Distribution of Zn Concentration in the Western Mediterranean Sea And Its Influence on The North East Atlantic Ocean
Yi-Yong Yoon, Mung-Ho Han, and Jin-Sik Lee
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwandong University
2Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kyungpook Sanup University
3Department of General Education, Uiduk University
Corresponding Author: Yi-Yong Yoon ,
Received: July 17, 1996;  Accepted: October 17, 1996.
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In order to estimate the importance of Zn input from the Mediterranean Sea into the Atlantic Ocean and to understand the mixing process considering Zn vertical distribution in the Mediterranean Sea and the North-Eastern Atlantic, the results obtained during three cruises (DYFAMED, MEDATLANTE I, II) were analyzed. In the Mediterranean basin, Zn profile is characterized by a surface water enrichment, a subsurface minimum between 20- 100m, an intermediate maximum between 300-600m and an uniformity at great depth. The external influx are responsible for the surface enrichment. Vertical Zn profile in the North-Eastern Atlantic shows the strong influence of the Mediterranean outflow in the Atlantic intermediate water. Considering the conservative mixing hypothesis, the theoretically calculated Zn concentrations at salinity maxima layer of each station correspond well to the observed concentrations.
Keywords: Zn | Salinity | Mediterranean outflow | North-Eastern Atlantic | Conservative mixing
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