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Environmental Engineering Research 1998;3(4): 223-227.
Heavy Metals Biosorption by Nocardia in Activated Sludge
Dong Wook Kim
Water Environment Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Cheongryang, Seoul 130-650, Korea
Corresponding Author: Dong Wook Kim ,
Received: October 7, 1998;  Accepted: December 6, 1998.
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The goal of this research was to evaluate the effect of Nocardia cells on the metal binding capacity of activated sludge. Metal sorption capacity of Nocardia pure cultures and activated sludge biomass was determined by a series of batch experiments. Heavy metals studied in this research were cadmium, copper and nickel. Results of experimental data revealed that metal biosorption by Nocardia and activated sludge biomass was rapid. The sorption isotherms for all three metals showed that the Nocardia cells exhibited significantly higher metal sorption capacity than the activated sludge biomass from Wilmington Wastewater Treatment Plant. The effect of Nocardia cells on the metal sorption capacity of activated sludge was evaluated by spiking an activated sludge sample with various amounts of pure culture Nocardia cells. The results indicated that the metal sorption capacity of activated sludge increased proportionally with the amount of Nocardia cells present in the mixed liquor.
Keywords: Biosorption | Heavy Metals | Nocardia amarae | Activated Sludge
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