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Environmental Engineering Research 1998;3(1): 21-29.
The Particle Size Effect on the Pollutant Formation in Pulverized Coal Combustion
Hyung-Taek Kim1, and Wongee Chun2
1Energy Department, Ajou University 5 Wonchon-dong, Paldal-gu, Suwon, Korea, 441-749
2Department of Nuclear and Energy Engineering, Cheju National University
Corresponding Author: Hyung-Taek Kim ,
Received: July 7, 1997;  Accepted: January 6, 1998.
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The particle size effect on the pollutant formation of pulverized coal combustion was investigated in the cylindrical-shape, horizontal furnace, fired in the range of 8.8-10.6 kw. Three differently-sized fractions (5, 30, and 44 microns in average diameter) of high-volatile bituminous coal, were utilized in the test furnace. For all the particle size studied, fuel-bound sulfur to SO2 conversion was found to be low comparing with other similar experiment. The low conversion was thought to be due to the natural SO2 capture by calcium and magnesium compounds retained in the fine particulate ash. NOx, emissions from the pulverized coal combustion were found to be independent of particle size for the range of the experiment. Methane addition to the coal flame showed reducing tendency of fuel-bound nitrogen to NOx, conversion.
Keywords: Pulverized Coal Combustion | NOx Formation | SO2 Formation | Particle Size Effect
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