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Environmental Engineering Research 1998;3(1): 11-19.
Investigation of Coagulation mechanisms with Fe(III) Salt Using Jar Tests and Flocculation Dynamics
Jeongsook Kim1, and Limseok Kang2
1Engineering Research Center, Pukyong University
2Department of Environmental Engineering, Pukyong National University
Corresponding Author: Jeongsook Kim ,
Received: April 6, 1997;  Accepted: January 7, 1998.
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This research focuses on the use of ferric nitrate as a coagulant to study coagulation mechanisms of orthokinetic flocculation. The mechanisms of flocculation were studied for systems of kaolin suspensions using a conventional jar test and an 18 / batch reactor test under tightly controlled treatment conditions. The measurement of flocculation dynamics was done by assessing the rate of changes in total particle number concentration and used as a tool to investigate flocculation mechanisms. Clear differences in coagulation mechanism were noted from the result of jar tests and flocculation dynamics tests. Especially, the flocculation dynamics tests by means of measuring particle size distribution provided reliable and sensitive indications of coagulation mechanisms. The flocculation dynamics under sweep floe conditions was much faster than the dynamics under adsorption/destabilization conditions. Complete charge neutralization was not good enough to bring about faster rate of flocculation.
Keywords: Ferric nitrate | Coagulation mechanisms | Coagulation dynamics | Jar test | Particle number
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