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Environmental Engineering Research 1998;3(1): 1-10.
Biological Co-treatment of Leachate with Sewage and On-site Physicochemical Treatment
Duk Chang1, Soo Young Kim1, Joon Moo Hur1, and Tai Hak Chung2
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Kon-Kuk University, Kwangjin-Gu, Seoul 143-701
2Department of Civil, Urban & Geosystem Engineering, Seoul National University, Kwanak-Gu, Seoul 151-742
Corresponding Author: Duk Chang ,
Received: February 8, 1998;  Accepted: March 4, 1998.
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Feasibility of off-site combined treatment of leachate from a mature codispodal landfill and its on-site pretreatment option were evaluated in this study. Combined treatment of leachate from the mature codisposal landfill was possible without adverse effect on activated sludge system up to 1% leachate addition, while the system performances worsened at leachate addition higher than 10%. Combined treatment up to 1% leachate addition also had no detrimental effect on sludge digestion. Adsorption-flocculation was an effective pretreatment option for reduction of organic loading and unexpected hazardous substances.
Keywords: Activated sludge | Adsorption-chemical precipitation | Co-treatrnent | Landfill leachate
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