Environmental Engineering Research 2000;5(1): 11-21.
C. S. P. Ojha1, and N. J. D. Graham2† |
1Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, Roorkee - 247 667, India 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London, SW7 2BU, UK |
Corresponding Author:
N. J. D. Graham , |
Received: January 10, 1999; Accepted: March 10, 2000. |
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The filtration equations, together with a filtration coefficient model and headloss model, can be solved to simulate the variation of filtrate concentration and headloss during a deep bed filter run Among the three existing approaches to solving the filtration equations, viz. analytical, perturbation, and numerical, analytical solutions of the filtration equations are possible for only a few selected expressions of filtration coefficient1). The perturbation solutions are valid only in the initial stages of filter runs2)and thus are of limited use. In these circumstances, numerical methods are the most favourable solution procedures. As a result of several investigations3~7), the filtration equations have been the subject of several modifications. Thus, at present there are many sets of filtration equations available. In addition, the various approaches adopted by different investigators5,8~10) to solve the filtration equations have been questioned by Horner el al1) In view of these observations, the present study describes the numerical assessment of several sets ot existing filtration equations in order to aid the modeller in the selection of a particular set of filtration equations, and its subsequent use in several aspects of filtration modelling. |
deep bed filtration | filtration equations | filtration modelling | continuity equations | numerical solutions | filter run | filter headloss |