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Environmental Engineering Research 2001;6(3): 179-189.
Won Sik Shin
Water Protection Research Team, Environment and Energy Division, Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, P.O. Box 135, Pohang 790-600, Korea
Corresponding Author: Won Sik Shin ,Tel: +82-54-279-6524, Fax: +82-54-279-6689, Email: wshin@rist.re.kr
Received: February 11, 2001;  Accepted: July 6, 2001.
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Sorption/desorption study was conducted to determine desorption-resistance of hydrophobic organic compounds in natural soils with low organic carbon content (1.1-1.35 w/w%). Sorption/desorption characteristics of hydrophobic organic compounds (chlorobcn/enc and phenanlhrene) for Petro Processors, Inc. Superfund site (PPI) and Bayou Manchac (BM) soils were investigated. Desorplion was biphasic with about 21 —26% (chlorobenzene) and 17— 18% (phenanthrene) of the sorbed mass residing in the desorption-resistant fraction after several desorption steps. The biphasic behavior of the sorption/desorption isotherm was quantified with two terms; a linear term to represent reversible sorption and a Langmuirian-type term to represent irreversible sorption. Sorption/desorption parameters were determined to explain the desorption-resistance. The biphasic sorption parameters indicated the presence of appreciable size of desorption-resistant phase in these soils. The maximum capacity of desorption-resistant fraction ( Q"^, ) was finite. The apparent organic carbon based partition coefficient ( K['J) was 10 " for PPI soi I and 10xl '"- for BM soil, respectively. The difference in K'" was attributed to different characteristics in soil organic matter as indicated by elemental ratios. The results suggest that desorption-resistance should be considered in remediation and risk assessments in natural soils and sediments.
Keywords: aging | biphasic sorption | desorption-resistance | risk assessment | sequestration | SQC
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