Light Tar Decomposition of Product Pyrolysis Gas from
Sewage Sludge in a Gliding Arc Plasma Reformer |
Mun Sup Lim, and Young Nam Chun† |
BK21 Team for Hydrogen Production, Department of Environmental Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju 501-759, Korea |
Corresponding Author:
Young Nam Chun ,Tel: +82-62-230-7872, Fax: +82-62-230-7156, Email: |
Received: January 12, 2012; Accepted: May 18, 2012. |
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Pyrolysis/gasification technology utilizes an energy conversion technique from various waste resources, such as biomass, solid
waste, sewage sludge, and etc. to generating a syngas (synthesis gas). However, one of the major problems for the pyrolysis gasification
is the presence of tar in the product gas. The tar produced might cause damages and operating problems on the facility. In this study, a
gliding arc plasma reformer was developed to solve the previously acknowledged issues. An experiment was conducted using surrogate
benzene and naphthalene, which are generated during the pyrolysis and/or gasification, as the representative tar substance. To identify
the characteristics of the influential parameters of tar decomposition, tests were performed on the steam feed amount (steam/carbon
ratio), input discharge power (specific energy input, SEI), total feed gas amount and the input tar concentration. In benzene, the optimal
operating conditions of the gliding arc plasma 2 in steam to carbon (S/C) ratio, 0.98 kWh/m3 in SEI, 14 L/min in total gas feed rate and
3.6% in benzene concentration. In naphthalene, 2.5 in S/C ratio, 1 kWh/m3 in SEI, 18.4 L/min in total gas feed rate and 1% in naphthalene
concentration. The benzene decomposition efficiency was 95%, and the energy efficiency was 120 g/kWh. The naphthalene decomposition
efficiency was 79%, and the energy yield was 68 g/kWh. |
Benzene | Gliding arc plasma | Naphthalene | Sewage sludge pyrolysis | Tar |