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Environmental Engineering Research 2012;17(2): 77-82. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2012.17.2.077
Chemical Properties of Sediment in Nanakita Estuarine Tidal Flat: Estimation of Sedimentary Organic Matter Origin by Stable Isotope and Fatty Acid
Woo-Seok Shin1,2, Yoshio Aikawa1, and Osamu Nishimura1
1Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Ecological Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
2Institute of Marine Science and Technology Research, Hankyong National University, Anseong 456-749, Korea
Corresponding Author: Woo-Seok Shin ,Tel: +82-31-670-5621, Fax: +82-31-670-5622, Email: swooseok@hknu.ac.kr
Received: January 12, 2012;  Accepted: May 17, 2012.
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The spatial variation of organic matter sources in tidal flat sediment of the Nanakita River estuary, involving Gamo lagoon on the north-east coast of Honshu Island, Japan, was examined using carbon stable isotopes and fatty acid biomarkers. The spatial variation of total organic carbon (TOC) contents and δ13C values were highly variable in between the stations, such as sandy flat (1.3 mg/g, -21.0‰), sand-muddy flat (2.6 mg/g, -21.9‰), and muddy flat (24.9 mg/g, -25.9‰), respectively. Particularly, at the muddy flat, high TOC content and low δ13C value of the sediments indicated that the surface sediment was composed largely of terrestrial organic matter. Whereas, at the sandy flat and sand-muddy flat, the high ratios of diatom and bacteria biomarkers indicated the high contribution of abundant microorganism along with marine organic matter in sediment composition. From these results, it considered that the amount and origin of transported sedimentary organic matter indicated different characteristics in this study stations.
Keywords: Estuary | Intertidal flat | Microorganism | Sediment | Spatial variation
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