Anaerobic Treatment of Food Waste Leachate for Biogas
Production Using a Novel Digestion System |
Bong Su Lim1†, Byungchul Kim1, and In Chung2 |
1Environmental Engineering, Daejeon University, Daejeon 300-716, Korea 2EnTechs, Seoul 135-240, Korea |
Corresponding Author:
Bong Su Lim ,Tel: +82-42-280-2531, Fax: +82-42-280-2598, Email: |
Received: October 19, 2011; Accepted: February 24, 2012. |
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In this study, the performance of new digestion system (NDS) for the treatment of food waste leachate was evaluated. The food waste
leachate was fed intermittently to an anaerobic reactor at increasing steps of 3.3 L/day (hydraulic retention time [HRT] = 30 day), 5 L/
day (HRT = 20 day), and finally 10 L/day (HRT = 10 day). In the anaerobic reactor, the pH and alkalinity were maintained at 7.6 to 8.2 and
8,940-14,400 mg/L, respectively. Maximum methane yield determined to be 0.686L CH4/g volatile solids (VS) containing HRT over 20
day. In the digester, 102,328 mg chemical oxygen demand (COD)/L was removed to produce 350 L/day (70% of the total) of biogas, but in
the digested sludge reduction (DSR) unit, only 3,471 mg COD/L was removed with a biogas production of 158 L/day. Without adding any
chemicals, 25% of total nitrogen (TN) and 31% of total phosphorus (TP) were removed after the DSR, while only 48% of TN and 32% of
TP were removed in the nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metals (NPHM) removal unit. Total removal of TN was 73% and total removal
of TP was 63%. |
Anaerobic digestion | Biogas production | Food waste leachate | New digestion system |