A Pesticide Residue Risk Assessment from Agricultural Land Using GIS |
Ju Young Lee2, Ganeshy Krishina3, Moo Young Han2, Jung-Seok Yang1, and Jaeyoung Choi1† |
1KIST-Gangneung , Natural Products Center, Gangneung 210-340, Korea 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 3Department of Water and Wastewater Management, Glenn Engr. Corp., Irving, TX 75062-2351, USA |
Corresponding Author:
Jaeyoung Choi ,Tel: +82-33-650-7301, Fax: +82-33-650-7199, Email: jcchoi@kist.ac.kr |
Received: April 10, 2007; Accepted: April 11, 2008. |
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Water quality contamination issues are of critical concern to human health, whilst pesticide release generated from irrigated land should be considered
for protecting natural habitats and human health. This paper suggests new method for evaluation and analysis using the GIS technique based
on integrated spatial modeling framework. The pesticide use on irrigated land is a subset of the larger spectrum of industrial chemicals used in
modern society. The behavior of a pesticide is affected by the natural affinity of the chemical for one of four environmental compartments; solid
matter, liquid, gaseous form, and biota. However, the major movements are a physical transport over the ground surface by rainfall-runoff and
irrigation-runoff. The irrigated water carries out with the transporting sediments and makes contaminated water by pesticide. This paper focuses on
risk impact identification and assessment using GIS technique. Also, generated data on pesticide residues on farmland and surface water through
GIS simulation will be reflected to environmental research programs. Finally, this study indicates that GIS application is a beneficial tool for spatial
pesticide impact analysis as well as environmental risk assessment. |
GIS | Pesticide |