AbstractLithium carbonate (Li2CO3) is becoming increasingly valuable with the growth of the lithium-ion battery industry. For effective Li2CO3 production, the efficient supply of the carbonate source to the solution is crucial. Conventionally, sodium carbonate has been used as the carbonate source; however, the importance of CO2 utilization has been recently recognized. Conventional CO2-based carbonate sourcing exhibits limited efficiency. In this study, we propose a CO2 microbubbling system based on a rotating nozzle for Li2CO3 precipitation. The CO2 micro-bubbling system demonstrated a 1.6 to 1.9 times greater precipitation reaction rate than that of the conventional CO2 bubbling system. This rate enhancement could be attributed to the increased gas-liquid contact surface and greater residence time due to the generation of CO2 microbubbles. Additionally, the Li2CO3 reaction terminated when the pH of the solution dropped below 9.4–9.7 approximately. The re-dissolution of precipitated Li2CO3 occurred below this pH range as bicarbonate ions became the dominant species over carbonate ions. This study successfully demonstrated that CO2 microbubbling technology could be an excellent alternative for carbonate sourcing systems in the Li2CO3 production industry.
Graphical Abstract![]() IntroductionThe lithium utilization for battery technology began in 1991 with the commercialization of the first lithium-ion battery (LiB) [1, 2]. LiBs have become an inevitable component of portable electronics [3]. Additionally, LiBs have shown rapid growth in various industries ranging from power tools to electric vehicles (EVs) [4–7]. Owing to their accelerated development, global lithium production tripled between 2010 and 2020 [8].
Lithium is traded as its compounds, such as lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) or lithium hydroxide, wherein lithium carbonate holds the majority (approximately 60%) [9, 10]. The trade volume of lithium carbonate is expected to reach approximately 2 million tons by 2030, with increasing demand for LiBs [11]. Lithium carbonate is produced via separation from Li ores or Li brine lakes [12]. In ore mining, Li ions are eluted from the ore by chemical treatment and precipitated as lithium carbonate using carbonates [13–15]. Further, lithium carbonate is obtained from Li brine lakes via selective separation and precipitation [16–18]. Additionally, recycling waste secondary batteries has gained considerable attention, thereby promoting the recovery of lithium carbonate precipitate from waste battery leachate [19].
Sodium carbonate has been used as the primary source of carbonate in lithium carbonate precipitation reactions [14, 15]. However, the increasing demands for environmental sustainability and economic viability in recent years have triggered the investigation of alternative methods. One method utilizes carbon dioxide (CO2) as a carbonate source instead of sodium carbonate [20], and it outperforms the sodium carbonate method in terms of purity and recovery ratio [21]. Further, it contributes to CO2 reduction, facilitating carbon capture utilization and storage technology. Previous studies have successfully obtained battery-grade lithium carbonate in terms of purity, particle size, and recovery via the Li-CO2 reaction. However, majority of these studies face challenges with lithium carbonate reaction times [21–25] because conventional bubbling methods show limited dissolution of carbon dioxide in a short amount of time. Conventional bubbling displays short gas-liquid contact and residence times in solution, resulting in low carbon dioxide utilization and reduced reaction rates. To address this problem, studies have been conducted to expand the reaction areas of gases and liquids for instantaneous dissolution using falling films [26], spinning disks [27], sprays [28], and microchannels [27]. Previous studies revealed that the dissolution rate of CO2 and the reaction rate of lithium carbonate improved by injecting water in the form of tiny droplets or films into a gaseous tank under high pressure or by feeding bubbles into a microchannel when performing the Li-CO2 reaction. However, this method is challenging to scale up for industrial production owing to the complexity of the system configuration or the large amount of space required.
In this study, we propose a rotating-nozzle-based CO2 microbubbling system for lithium carbonate precipitation. The rotating nozzle of the pressurized dissolution method was introduced in our previous work, which can supply microbubbles and increase the gas solubility [29, 30]. We selected high-concentration waste lithium wastewater from waste battery treatment as the primary target solution. This method exhibits improved reaction efficiency because it can handle large volumes and potentially be applied to industrial-scale lithium carbonate precipitation processes.
Materials and Methods2.1. Li2CO3 Precipitation with CO2 Bubbling
Fig. 1 shows the experimental setup used for the Li2CO3 precipitation in this study, wherein a batch-type reactor was used, and the experiments were performed under open-system conditions. The Li2CO3 precipitation experiment based on CO2 bubbling was conducted as follows: The volume of the reaction solution used was 20 L, and the initial concentration of lithium and pH value were adjusted using lithium hydroxide (Sigma, USA) and hydrochloric acid (Sigma, USA), respectively. The initial lithium concentration and pH values were approximately 7,400–7,900 mg Li/L and 11–11.5, respectively, unless stated otherwise. The lithium concentration and pH condition of the solution was identical to that of the wastewater generated after the waste battery treatment provided by the ER Corporation. The temperature of the solution was maintained at 35°C throughout the experiment using a temperature-control unit (JeioTech, Korea). The reason than the temperature condition of 35°C was chosen, because, during preliminary tests of the lithium carbonate precipitation, the solution reached a temperature of approximately 35°C. During these experiments, the reaction solution was stirred vigorously using a mechanical stirrer. The experiment started with the addition of CO2 to the solution. The CO2 gas flow rate was controlled using a mass-flow controller to provide a constant supply of 3–9 L/min (Line-tech, Korea). In a conventional CO2 bubble supply, CO2 gas was directly injected into the reaction solution via a commercial bubble diffuser provided by the ER Corporation. However, in the CO2 microbubble supply, CO2 gas was injected into the reaction solution via a rotating-nozzle-based microbubble generation system, as reported in our previous studies. [29, 30]. Fig. 2 shows the conventional and microbubble bubbling methods used in this study. The water flow rate, water pressure, and gas pressure were approximately 6 L/min, 2.5 bar, and 2 bar, respectively.
2.2. Data AnalysisThe changes in the lithium concentration and pH of the solution were monitored during the experiment. To analyze the change in the lithium concentration, a small quantity of the solution was sampled at regular time intervals and was measured using ion chromatography Dionex ICS-1000, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). The quantity of Li2CO3 precipitate, the maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio, and reaction rate were calculated using Eq. (1–3), respectively:
where CLi,0 is the initial lithium-ion concentration, CLi,t is the lithium-ion concentration at time t, CLi,min is the lowest lithium-ion concentration (mg Li/L), and V is the solution volume (20 L).
pH was measured using a pH-measuring electrode. The reason for measuring pH is that the concentration of H+, expressed as pH, is crucial for the Li2CO3 precipitation, expressed by the Eq. (4 – 8). The reaction equations for the dissolution of CO2 gas and its reaction with Li+ ions are given in Eq. (4 – 8) as follows:
Eq. (4–8) exhibit that the Li2CO3 precipitation progresses with increasing CO2 supply, thus increasing the H+ concentration in the solution and decreasing the pH. Hence, a higher pH favors the lithium carbonate reaction.
The precipitated lithium carbonate powder was collected at the end of the reaction, and its diameter was measured after drying. The diameters were measured using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (JSM 7800F, Jeol, Japan).
Results and Discussion3.1. Lithium Carbonate Precipitation Based on CO2 Microbubbling
Fig. 3 shows the findings of the Li2CO3 precipitation reaction based on the CO2 supply and the bubbling systems, i.e., microbubbling and conventional, inferring two interesting observations. First, in the Li2CO3 precipitation reaction, the CO2 microbubbling system shows an increase in the performance compared to that of the conventional CO2 bubbling system. Fig. 3(a) shows the change in the Li+ concentration in solution with the bubbling type. The initial Li+ concentration decreases from approximately 7,400 to 3,500 mg Li/L in 300 min using the conventional CO2 bubbling system, in which the maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio is approximately 53%, whereas in the CO2 microbubbling system, the initial Li+ concentration decreases from approximately 7,600 to 2,500 mg Li/L in 220 min and the maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio is approximately 67%. Hence, the CO2 microbubbling system gives approximately 14% higher maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio than that of the conventional CO2 bubbling system. It is noted that significant lithium concentration shows changes after 40–60 min of reaction initiation. This appears to be the minimum time required for the Li2CO3 precipitation to begin. A similar trend is observed in previous studies [26]. Fig. 3(b) shows the quantity of Li2CO3 precipitates, calculated using Eq. (1) and the results in Fig. 3(a), and the effect of CO2 bubbling types on Li2CO3 precipitation. The quantity of Li2CO3 precipitates increases to 590 g over 220 min in the CO2 microbubbling system, which is approximately 2.7 g/min on average. In conventional CO2 bubbling, the quantity of Li2CO3 precipitates increases to 420 g over 300 min, which is approximately 1.4 g/min on average. Therefore, the precipitation reaction rate of the CO2 microbubbling system is approximately 1.9 times higher than that of conventional CO2 bubbling. Over the same time interval (220 min), the CO2 microbubbling system (2.68 g/min) shows a 1.6 times higher average precipitation reaction rate than that of the conventional CO2 bubbling system (1.63 g/min). Similar trends are observed when the CO2 flow rate is doubled (6 L CO2/min) (Fig. S1), and this improvement could be attributed to greater gas-liquid contact area and longer residence time in the solution for the microbubbling system compared with that of the conventional bubbling. The experiment in Fig. 3 was carried out under the following conditions. The initial pH and the temperature of the feed was 11 and 35°C, respectively, and CO2 flow rate was 3 L/min.
Second, when CO2 is oversupplied, it seems that the re-dissolution of precipitated Li2CO3 occurs (Fig. 3(a)). The Li+ concentration slightly rebounds after reaching the lowest point for the CO2 microbubbling and conventional CO2 bubbling systems. For instance, the Li+ concentrations increase again after reaching the lowest values of 2,500 and 3,500 mg Li/L in CO2 microbubbling and conventional CO2 bubbling systems, respectively, which could be attributed to the re-dissolution of the precipitated Li2CO3. Fig. 3(c) shows the variation in the pH of the solution as the Li2CO3 reaction proceeds. In Fig. 3(c), the CO2 microbubbling system shows a remarkable pH decrease to 9.4 at 240 min. For the conventional CO2 bubbling, the pH decrease starts at 200 min, giving pH values of 9.7, 9.6, and 9.5 at 300, 320, and 340 min, respectively. For both CO2 microbubbling and conventional CO2 bubbling, Li2CO3 re-dissolution starts at a pH of approximately 9.4–9.7. We will discuss the re-dissolution phenomena in the next section 3.2.
Fig. 4(a) and (b) show SEM images of the Li2CO3 precipitates based on the CO2 microbubbling and conventional CO2 bubbling systems, respectively. The diameters of Li2CO3 precipitates are approximately 45 and 500–750 μm in CO2 micro-bubbling and conventional CO2 bubbling systems, respectively. Considering the cathode material synthesis for battery, Li2CO3 with a smaller diameter is commercially more viable; hence, the Li2CO3 precipitates obtained using the CO2 microbubbling system are expected to have excellent utilization value.
3.2. Key Factors for Li2CO3 Precipitation Reactions with CO2 MicrobubblingIn this section, the primary factors affecting the Li2CO3 precipitation in a CO2 microbubbling system are investigated, which include pH, CO2 flow rate, and temperature. Fig. 5 shows the effect of the initial pH of the solution on the Li2CO3 precipitation in the CO2 microbubbling system, expressed as the Li+ concentration and pH changes. The experiment in Fig. 5 was carried out under the following conditions. The initial pH and the temperature of the feed was 10.7 or 11.5 and 35°C, respectively, and CO2 flow rate was 6 L/min.
A high initial pH results in the increase in the maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio. For instance, when the initial pH is 11.5, the Li+ concentration in the solution decreases from 7,400 to 2,500 mg Li/L, and the maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio is approximately 66%. However, at initial pH 10.7, the Li+ concentration in the solution decreases from 7,400 to 4,300 mg Li/L, with a maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio of 39%. An interesting observation was made when Li+ concentration and pH are examined together, as shown in Fig. 5: the pH at which the Li+ concentration in the solution reaches its lowest value is similar, at approximately 9.4–9.7, regardless of the initial pH. The Li2CO3 precipitation terminates when Li+ concentration reaches the lowest value. For instance, at an initial pH of 11.5, the lowest Li+ concentration is 2,500 mg Li/L at 110 min, and the solution pH is 9.7, whereas for an initial pH of 10.7, the lowest Li+ concentration is 4,300 mg Li/L at 70 min with a solution pH of 9.4. Irrespective of the initial pH, it appears that the shift of the dominant carbonate species from carbonate to bicarbonate ions leads to the termination of Li2CO3 precipitation reaction and the re-dissolution of precipitated Li2CO3. Considering that the bicarbonate-carbonate pKa2 at 35°C is 10.2 [31], the dominant carbonate species at pH 9.4 – 9.7 is bicarbonate ion (approximately 76–86%) [31] (Eq. (9)). As the pH decreases, the carbonate ions corresponding to the Li2CO3 reactants become increasingly scarce and the bicarbonate ions become increasingly the dominant species. Therefore, re-dissolution of the precipitated Li2CO3 occurs as the concentration of bicarbonate increases relative to that of carbonate. It is noted that the solubility of lithium bicarbonate is approximately 7 times higher than that of Li2CO3 [32].
Therefore, the Li2CO3 precipitation stops at pH 9.4–9.7, and the precipitated Li2CO3 is redissolved by bicarbonate ions, which is presumed to increase the Li+ concentration in the solution. The results in Fig. 5 demonstrate the effect of the initial solution pH on the Li2CO3 reaction.
Fig. 6 shows the effect of the CO2 flow rate on the Li2CO3 precipitation. Fig. 6 (a) and (b) show the variation in the Li+ concentration in the solution and the quantity of Li2CO3 precipitate with respect to the CO2 flow rate, respectively, where the initial pH and the temperature of the feed was 11 and 35°C, respectively, and CO2 flow rate was from 3 to 9 L/min. As the CO2 flow rate increases, the time required for the lithium concentration in the solution to reach its lowest value decreases. Fig. 6(a) reveals that quantitatively, the Li concentrations decrease from 7,400 mg Li/L to the lowest value of 2,500 mg Li/L in 240 min at 3 L CO2/min; from 7,800 mg Li/L to the lowest value of 2,300 mg Li/L in 140 min at 6 L CO2/min, and from 7,700 mg Li/L to the lowest value of 2,800 mg Li/L in 80 min at 9 L CO2/min. Fig. 6(b) shows the quantity of Li2CO3 precipitates calculated using Eq. (1) and the results presented in Fig. 6(a). The effect of the CO2 flow rate on the Li2CO3 precipitation reaction rate was more clearly expressed in Fig. 6(b). At 3 L CO2/min, 570 g of Li2CO3 precipitates in 240 min with 2.4 g/min reaction rate; at 6 L CO2/min, 630 g of Li2CO3 precipitates in 140 min with 4.5 g/min reaction rate, and at 9 L CO2/min, 550 g of Li2CO3 precipitates in 80 min with 6.9 g/min reaction rate. Hence, a proportional relationship exists between the CO2 flow rate and the average Li2CO3 precipitation reaction rate.
Fig. 7 shows the effect of the solution temperature on Li2CO3 precipitation, where the initial pH and the temperature of the feed was 11 and 20 or 35°C, respectively, and CO2 flow rate was from 6 L/min. Fig. 7 (a) and (b) show the changes in the Li+ concentration in the solution and the quantity of Li2CO3 precipitates, respectively, at different temperatures of the solution. A high solution temperature is advantageous in terms of the maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio and the quantity of precipitates. Quantitatively, Fig. 7(a) shows that the lithium concentration decreases from 7,700 to 2,500 mg Li/L at 20°C (68% of maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio) and from 7,900 to 2,200 mg Li/L at 35°C (72% of maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio). Additionally, Fig. 7(b) reveals that the maximum quantities of lithium carbonate precipitates at 20 and 35°C are approximately 550 g at 100 min, corresponding to an average of 5.5 g/min, and 630 g at 120 min, corresponding to an average of 5.3 g/min, respectively. Although the precipitation reactant generation rates are similar, the temperature of 35°C leads the increase in the maximum lithium carbonate precipitation compared to 20°C condition. However, temperature has complementary positive and negative effects on the lithium carbonate precipitation. For example, higher temperatures are negative in terms of reaction because they reduce the solubility of carbon dioxide but positive in terms of precipitate formation because they reduce the solubility of lithium carbonate. [33]. Therefore, the effect of temperature is further investigated via additional experiments.
Fig. 8 shows the effect of temperature control on lithium carbonate precipitation, expressed as a change in lithium concentration, in which the initial pH and the initial temperature of the feed was 11 and 35°C, respectively, and CO2 flow rate was from 6 L/min. The CO2 gas supply is stopped at 110 min (dotted line, Fig. 8), which shows a difference between the two cases wherein the solution temperature is maintained at 35°C and when it is adjusted to 70°C. Increasing the solution temperature shows a positive effect on Li2CO3 precipitation. For instance, when the temperature is constant at 35°C, no considerable change in Li+ concentration is observed after the CO2 supply stops. Quantitatively, the Li+ concentration reaches the lowest value of 2,500 mg Li/L from an initial concentration of 7,900 mg Li/L at 110 min, then remains at approximately 2,800 mg Li/L. The maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio is approximately 68%. On the other hand, after the CO2 supply stops, the Li+ concentration in the solution gradually decreases with increasing temperature of the solution from 35 to 70°C. For instance, the Li+ concentration decreases from an initial 7,900 mg Li/L to 2,500 mg Li/L at 110 min and then gradually decreases to 1,900 mg Li/L at 190 min under temperature control. The maximum Li2CO3 reaction ratio is approximately 76% owing to the temperature-dependent solubility change of Li2CO3. Unlike several other materials, Li2CO3 exhibits decreasing solubility with increasing temperature. Therefore, solubility is reduced by increasing the temperature of the solution, and additional precipitation likely occurs. This approach demonstrates a good strategy to improve the reaction ratio of lithium carbonate precipitation without re-dissolution.
ConclusionsIn this study, we successfully demonstrated a rotating-nozzle-based CO2 microbubble technology for the Li2CO3 precipitation. The precipitation reaction rate in the CO2 micro-bubbling system is 1.6 to 1.9 times more than that of the conventional CO2 bubbling system. This improvement is induced by increased gas-liquid contact surface area and residence time owing to microbubble generation. The effects of pH, CO2 feed flow rate, and temperature on the lithium carbonate precipitation reaction were investigated. The results showed that a high initial pH (ranging from 10.7–11.5), high CO2 flow rate (3–9 L/min), and high temperature (20–35°C) showed a positive effect on lithium carbonate precipitation. This study confirmed that CO2 microbubbling could be an effective alternative to carbonate sourcing technology in the Li2CO3 production industry.
AcknowledgmentsThis research was supported by project for Industry-University-Research Institute platform cooperation R&D funded Korea Ministry of SMEs and Startups in 2022 (S3312316), and by the New and renewable energy core technology development project of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) granted financial resource from the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Republic of Korea(No. 20213030040590), and by Development of key technologies for safety management of hydrogen charging infrastructure (1415180603), and by Development of Green Hydrogen Production and Storage System (1415180938) funded by the Korea Government Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and by the Commercialization Promotion Agency for R&D Outcomes(COMPA) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT). (1711202730).
NotesAuthor Contributions H.Y. (Senior Researcher) conducted the experiments and wrote this manuscript. S.J. (Postdoctoral Researcher) revised the manuscript. T.M. (Senior Researcher) analyzed the data. S.K. (Postdoctoral Researcher), J.P. (Research Director), A.K. (Senior Researcher), S.L. (Senior Researcher), and K.R. (Principal Researcher) revised the manuscript. References1. Yoshino A. The birth of the lithium-ion battery. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012;51:5798–5800.
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![]() Fig. 1Schematics of the experimental setup of lithium carbonate precipitation with a micro-bubble generating system. ![]() Fig. 2Images of bubble formation generated by (a) the conventional bubbling and (b) the proposed micro-bubbling systems. The red circles indicate generated conventional bubbles. ![]() Fig. 3Variation in (a) Li concentration, (b) calculated quantity of Li2CO3 precipitates, and (c) pH of the solution by CO2 gas supply method with respect to time (Feed tank volume: 20 L, Initial pH: 11, CO2 flow rate: 3 L/min, Temp: 35°C) ![]() Fig. 4SEM images of Li2CO3 precipitates based on (a) the CO2 micro-bubbling and (b) conventional CO2 bubbling systems. ![]() Fig. 5Effect of lithium carbonate precipitation expressed as the variation of Li+ concentration and pH of the solution (Feed tank volume: 20 L, Temp.: 35°C, CO2 flow rate: 6 L/min) ![]() Fig. 6Variation in (a) Li+ concentration and (b) quantity of Li2CO3 precipitates with respect to the CO2 flow rate using the CO2 microbubbling (Feed tank volume: 20 L, Initial pH: 11, and Temp.: 35°C) ![]() Fig. 7Changes in (a) Li concentration and (b) Li2CO3 precipitation with time using micro-bubble CO2 at different temperatures (Feed tank volume: ![]() Fig. 8Changes in Li concentration and Li2CO3 precipitation by CO2 micro-bubbling system with temperature control. The dashed line represents the time when the CO2 flow stops and when the temperature was adjusted. (Feed: Lithium wastewater, Feed tank volume: 20 L, Initial pH: 11, CO2 flow rate: 6 L/min). ![]() |