The methanogenic archaea characteristics and efficacy of aerobic waste sludge in the start-up of anaerobic hybrid reactors treating cassava wastewater
Pratin Kullavanijaya, Pattama Thongduang, Nimaradee Boonapatcharoen, Chalisa Veesommai Sillberg
Environmental Engineering Research. 2022;27(4):210162  Published online 2021 Jun 18     DOI:
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Bioremediation of Oil and Natural Gas Industry Waste Using Methanogens: Current Status and Future Perspective to Biohythane Production
S. Saranya, L. Thamanna, V. P. Sreekutty, S. Dhayanithi, P. Chellapandi
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef