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Environmental Engineering Research 2011;16(2): 97-102. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2011.16.2.97
Combination of Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) and Dissolved Ozone Flotation-Pressurized Ozone Oxidation (DOF-PO2) Processes for Treatment of Pigment Processing Wastewater
Jeong Hyun Kim, Hyung Suk Kim, and Byoung Ho Lee
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 680-749, Korea
Corresponding Author: Byoung Ho Lee ,Tel: +82-52-259-2279, Fax: +82-52-259-2629, Email: bhlee@ulsan.ac.kr
Received: June 27, 2010;  Accepted: May 16, 2011.
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This study investigates the treatment of pigment wastewater using a sequential batch reactor (SBR) followed by dissolved ozone flotation-pressurized ozone oxidation treatement (DOF-PO2). The process efficiency has been evaluated at the lab scale on the basis of water quality parameters. In addition, the effect of pure oxygen and air was investigated on the removal of COD, BOD, and TN in the SBR process. It was observed that under comparable conditions the removal efficiencies of these water quality parameters using pure oxygen and air were similar. The effect of the recycle rate was also investigated for its impact on the water quality parameters using different ozone dissolving pressures in a DOF process in order to optimise conditions. The results conclude that the use of an SBR and ozone contact by DOF-PO2 is a highly effective treatment for pigment wastewater and aids in the achievement of effluent discharge criteria.
Keywords: Biological treatment | Dissolved ozone flotation | DOF | Ozonation | Pigment wastewater | Sequential batch reactor
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