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Environmental Engineering Research 1996;1(1): 25-29.
Development of Red Bricks with Ash from the Incineration of Paper Mill Wastewater Treatment Sludge
Hwan Gi Kim, Ju-Seong Bae, and Young-Dong Lee
1Dept. of Civil Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Chonju, Korea
2Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Chonju, Korea
Corresponding Author: Hwan Gi Kim ,
Received: February 13, 1996;  Accepted: March 4, 1996.
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Ash remained after the incineration of wastewater treatment sludge consists of relatively stable inorganics, because volatile organics in it can be almost completely removed during incineration. Thus it has a potential to be used as various construction materials, as it contains little of hazardous substances. This study was carried out to test the availability of ashes in making red bricks by replacing partially or completely fine sands, which are used in manufacturing of red bricks as one of raw materials. The results showed that brick samples, made of adding ashes upto 23 % by weight, could satisfy the water absorption and the compressive strength of clay bricks specified in the Korean Industrial Standards (KS L 4201), even though they had some problems in color and shrinkage. The results of leaching tests performed according to the Korean Standard Method for the Examination of Solid Waste proved that the bricks made of adding ashes can be used safely for all purposes, because they did not release any significant amount of toxic materials including heavy metals.
Keywords: Incineration Ash | Construction Material | Red Brick | Clay Brick | Paper Mill Wastewater Sludge
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