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Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(4): 287-290.
The Biosorption Rate of Lead by Aureobasidium pullulans
Jung-Ho Suh, Dong-Seog Kim, Sang-Jin Oh, Young-Seek Park, and Seung-Koo Song
1Dept of Chemical Engineering, Pusan National University
2Dept of Environmental Health, Catholic University of Taegu Hyosung
3Manufacturing Technology Center, LG Electronics
Corresponding Author: Jung-Ho Suh ,
Received: July 11, 1997;  Accepted: September 12, 1997.
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The equilibrium isotherm and biosorption rate for lead and the effect of pH(the effect of hydrogen ions concentration) on the biosorption rate by fungus, Aureobasidium pullulans, were investigated The equilibrium isotherm for lead by A. pullulans was accorded with Freundlich-type model The biosorption rate of lead followed Mrehaelis-Menten kinetics and behaved differently with increasing pH. Thus it was considered that hydrogen ions were competed with lead ions for the active site of the cell wall of A pullulans.
Keywords: biosorption rate | Michaelis-Menten kinetics | lead | pH
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