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Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(2): 95-106.
Biogenic Hydrocarbon Emissions in a Southeastern Pine Forest, U.S.A.
Jo-Chun Kim
Dongshin University
Corresponding Author: Jo-Chun Kim ,
Received: September 7, 1996;  Accepted: March 8, 1997.
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field study has been conducted to investigate the seasonal variations and factors controlling emissions of biogenic hydrocarbons from southern pine saplings. Reliable, accurate and precise sampling, calibration, and analysis techniques have been developed and tested for extermination of monoterpene emission rates in a north central Florida pine fonst, USA. A portable vegetation enclosure chamber made from Tedlar, was designed, constructed and tested for field emission studies. Alpha-pinene was found to be the principal (> 60%) monoterpene emitted by both slash and loblolly pine saplings. Emission rates of monoterpenes from slash and loblolly pine trees were found to depend on temperature, seasonal development change (e.g. bud emissions), ages of trees, surface wetness (rain events), and environmental effects (eg., mechanical agitation by strong winds or insect attack). Loblolly pine emissions showed evidence of greater variability and seasonal trends than slash pine emissions during the one year field investigation. Seasonal; maximum terpene emission rates (TERs) occurred during the spring and summer seasons (269 μg/m2-hr) for slash pines, but maximum TERs occurred only during the summer (239 μg/m2-hr) for loblolly pines.
Keywords: Terpene | Slash | Loblolly | Environmental Factor | Ozone
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