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Environmental Engineering Research 1998;3(3): 123-129.
Sterilization Effect of Silver Ion-Exchanged Oyster Shell Powder on Underwater Microorganism
Choon-Hwan Shin1, Dong-Keun Park1, Byeong-Il Noh2, and Myung-Chan Jo2
1Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Dongseo University, Pusan 617-716, Korea
2Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Dongseo University, Pusan 617-716, Korea
Corresponding Author: Choon-Hwan Shin ,
Received: April 6, 1998;  Accepted: May 5, 1998.
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From the composition analysis, it was found that basic structure of oyster shell powder consists of SiO2 and AI2O3 and contains metal ions such as Na, Ca, and Cu which can be exchanged with other metal ions. When the oyster shell powder was calcined at above 800 V, major component of the powder was changed from CaCO3 to CaO. Conseqeuntly, calcined oyster shell powder was expected to be a suitable inorganic carrier for ion exchange. A water treatment agent with antimicrobial activity (Ag-Os) was made by exchanging silver ion (Ag+) on calcined oyster shell powder. From the experiment, it was confirmed that 99.9% of the silver ion was exchanged on the activated shell powder and the Ag-Os has an excellent sterilization power for underwater microorganism. Especially, Ag-Os was effective to G germs in sterilization and thus, is expected to be used for sterilization process.
Keywords: Oyster Shell Powder | Ionic Exchange | Antimicrobial Activity | Silver Ion | Sterilization
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