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Environmental Engineering Research 2005;10(3): 138-143. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2005.10.3.138
Sang-Hyun Jee1, Seok-Oh Ko1, and Hae-Nam Jang2
1Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental Research Center, Kyunghee University, Suwon, Korea
2Kumho Institute of Construction Technology, Seoul, Korea
Corresponding Author: Seok-Oh Ko ,Tel: +82-31-201-2999, Fax: +82-31-202-8854, Email: soko@khu.ac.kr
Received: March 8, 2005;  Accepted: June 5, 2005.
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Laboratory batch experiments were conducted to evaluate the Fenton degradation rates of phenanthrene. Fenton reactions for the degradation of phenanthrene were carried out with aqueous and slurry phase, to investigate the effects of sorption of phenanthrene onto solid phase. Various types of surfactants and electrolyte solutions were used to evaluate the effects on the phenanthrene degradation rates by Fenton's reaction. A maximum 90% removal of phenanthrene was achieved in aqueous phase with 0.9% of H2O2 and 300 mg'L of Fe~ at pH 3. In aqueous phase reaction, inhibitory effects of synthetic surfactants on the removal of phenanthrene were observed, implying that surfactant molecules acted as strong scavenger of hydroxyl radicals. However, use of carboxymethyl-g-cyclodextrin (CMCD), natural surfactant, showed a slight enhancement in the degradation of phenanthrene. It was considered that reactive radicals formed at ternary complex were located in close proximity to phenanthrene partitioned into CMCD cavities. It was also shown that Fenton degradation of phenanthrene were greatly enhanced by addition of NaCl, indicating that potent radical ion (OCf) played an important role in the phenanthrene degradation, although chloride ion might be acted as scavenger of radicals at low concentrations. Phenanthrene in slurry phase was resistant to Fenton degradation. It might be due to the fact that free radicals were mostly reacting with dissolved species rather than with sorbed phenanthrene. Even though synthetic surfactants were added to increase the phenanthrene concentration in dissolved phase, low degradation efficiency was obtained because of the scavenging of radicals by surfactants molecules. However, use of CMCD in slurry phase, showed a slight enhancement in the phenanthrene degradation. As an alternative, use of Fenton reaction with CMCD could be considered to increase the degradation rates of phenanthrene desorbed from solid phase.
Keywords: Phenanthrene | Advanced oxidation process | Surfactant | Sediment | Carboxymethyl beta cyclodextrin (CMCD)
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