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Environmental Engineering Research 2009;14(3): 174-179. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2009.14.3.174
The Characteristics with HRT Variation on InSub Pilot Plant for Advanced Sewage Treatment
Jin-Young Kang1, and Mock Huh2
1Jeju Development Institute, Jeju, Korea
2Environmental Engineering Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea
Corresponding Author: Jin-Young Kang ,Tel: +82-64-726-5960, Fax: +82-64-751-2168, Email: nechang@jdi.re.kr
Received: December 14, 2008;  Accepted: September 13, 2009.
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The InSub system(applied for a patent) was developed, as it combined the indirectly aerated submerged biofiltration(InSub) reactor and Anaerobic/ Anoxic reactor. This system which can eliminate organism and nutrient materials at the same time, which is safe and economical to be maintained and managed is more simple process than the complicated existing biological advanced sewage treatment system. The most suitable HRT of this study showed 9 hours. As looking into the effluent concentration and removal efficiency of each item at 9 hours of HRT, each effluent concentration for SS, BOD5, CODMn, and CODCr was 1.46 mg/L, 7,09 mg/L, 9.84 mg/L and 16.42 mg/L. And their removal efficiency was 96.98%. 90.59%, 77.18% and 83.92%, respectively. Each effluent concentration of T-N and T-P was 10.42 mg/L and 1.04 mg/L. Their removal efficiency was 73.38% and 61.62%, respectively. This pilot plant experiment(the state was without the internal recycling.) followed a variety of HRT. The results confirmed that it was to be advanced sewage treatment system with high efficiency when it combined with the internal recycling.
Keywords: InSub | Advanced treatment | HRT | Pilot plant | Biofiltration
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