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Environmental Engineering Research 2009;14(3): 195-199. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2009.14.3.195
Effect of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) on Internal Corrosion of Water Pipes
Haeryong Jung1, Unji Kim2, Gyutae Seo2, Hyundong Lee3, and Chunsik Lee4
1Korea Radioactive Waste Management Corporation, Radwaste R&D Center, Korea
2Changwon National University, Environmental Engineering, Changwon 641-773, Korea
3Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Advanced Environment Technology Division, Goyang-si 411-712, Korea
4Jinju National University, Environmental Engineering, Jinju 660-758, Korea
Corresponding Author: Gyutae Seo ,Tel: +82-55-213-3746, Email: gts@changwon.ac.kr
Received: November 15, 2008;  Accepted: July 12, 2009.
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A series of laboratory-scale corrosion experiments was carried out to observe the effect of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the presence of other water quality parameters, such as hardness, Cl-, and pH using various pipe materials. In addition, a simulated loop system was installed at a water treatment plant for pilot-scale experiment. Laboratory-scale experiment showed that corrosion rates for galvanized steel pipe (GSP), carbon steel pipe (CSP), and ductile cast iron pipe (DCIP) were decreased to 72%, 75%, and 91% by reducing DO concentration from 9±0.5 mg/L to 2±0.5 mg/L. From the pilot scale experiment, it was further identified that the average ionization rate of zinc in GSP decreased from 0.00533 to 0.00078 mg/ cm2/d by controlling the concentration of DO. The reduction of average ionization rate for copper pipe (CP) and stainless steel pipe (SSP) were 71.4% for Cu and 63.5% for Fe, respectively. From this study, it was concluded that DO could be used as a major parameter in controlling the corrosion of water pipes.
Keywords: Corrosion | Dissolved oxygen | Water pipe | Drinking water | Membrane de-oxygenation
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Control of the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in the Activated Sludge Process  1998 June;3(2)
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