Chemical extraction and quantification of extracellular polymeric substances in unspiked-metaldehyde and spiked-metaldehyde of rubber aerobic granular sludge and molasses aerobic granular sludge
Azlina Mat Saad, Farrah Aini Dahalan, Naimah Ibrahim, Sara Yasina Yusuf
Environmental Engineering Research. 2023;28(6):230030  Published online 2023 Mar 29     DOI:
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Removal of molluscicide compound: A comparison of metaldehyde removal performance between rubber-based aerobic granules and molasses-based aerobic granules
Azlina Mat Saad, Farrah Aini Dahalan, Naimah Ibrahim, Sara Yasina Yusuf
Bioresource Technology Reports.2023; 24: 101621.     CrossRef